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Home can mean many things to many people. Whether it's a ranch on a large lot surrounded by nature or an apartment high in the sky, home is where you should spend time with the ones you care most about.

I have a passion for helping people find their dream homes, and I'm looking forward to working with you on all your real estate needs.

Sara Faruqi
Real Estate Salesperson
Coldwell Banker Whitbeck
(518) 593-1287  |  (518) 562-9999  |  10401375534 NY   |  sara@whitbeckassociates.com

Curious what your home is worth?

Have you ever wondered what your home is really worth? Coldwell Banker Whitbeck's CB Estimate tool makes it easy for sellers to receive an immediate home value estimate as the important first step to the seller journey in obtaining estimated information about their home.

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